Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Pipa, fresh coconut from Upala

This guy sells fresh and sweet coconut every morning. He says that the coconuts come from Upala (northern part of Costa Rica). I have asked him to bring 10 coconuts this morning, and I have already finished 8 coconuts water this morning.
I have asked him to bring me 30 coconuts tomorrow morning. How beautiful getting delivered coconuts to your home and getting discount on top of it. Yeah!
1 coconut costs 300 colones (about 60cents, 70円). 10 coconuts for 2,500 colones (about $5) Yeah to the discount! Let's see how much I would buy 30 coconuts tomorrow...

For lunch, I had Green soup (2 coconut meat, water, salt, soysauce, extra virgin olive oil, turmeric). This was surprisingly good. Tasted like avocado. I've added turmeric because my wonderful acupuncturist suggested me to take (as I don't care so much of the taste, this was a great way to eat consume - the soup had no taste of turmeric).
I also made sushi rice with shredded cabbage, sesame, ginger, and over night soaked oatmeal. I wrap the "sushi rice" in nori, and it sure tasted like Japanese sushi rice!

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